Friday, February 12, 2010

Blog Carnivals

I'm days behind in "The 30 Goals Challenge".  I started six days ago, but I'm only on Day 2 of the challenge.  That's because I feel stumped.  Originally, when I read about Day 2's goal - to contribute to a blog carnival - I had no idea what this was, and that intimidated me from giving it a try.  So I put it off (as I always do when I'm having trouble starting something).  Well, today I told myself that I have to just do it, just sit there, read it again, figure it out, and do it.

So here I am, looking around the education blog carnival list, trying to figure out exactly what this is all about.  I think I have a pretty good understanding now (not solid yet, but enough to know what I need to do to accomplish the goal).  I found a carnival that I'd like to join, and the submission page is open....but I have nothing to submit.  So I'm back at square one where, once again, I'm stuck.

I've only written one real post so far (not including my welcome post), but I don't love it enough to feel it's worthy of submission.  So I told myself I would write a new post, and now I have "blogger's block".  It's most likely because I feel some invisible pressure to write something "good" (whatever that means) since I'm going to be submitting it to a carnival.  Maybe I just need to step away from the computer and try again later.

At least right now I've found a carnival that interests me and I know what I need to do to contribute to it.  Goal 2 is *almost* accomplished.


I just submitted one!  Let's see how this goes!  On to Goal 3 - Start an Adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel alone, because the blog carnival challenge was a struggle for many. Some of the people who were completing the challenge chose to instead leave a comment at a blog carnival they enjoyed instead of submitting. The reason I chose this challenge was because many of us spend a lot of time crafting our posts and blogging. Sometimes, we really are proud of a post and wish it received more comments or more people had the chance to reflect on the post before getting lost in the blogosphere. Blog carnivals are new to many people, but they are a wonderful way to introduce new readers to new blogs. They help increase readership and this is difficult to do when you first enter the blogosphere. I also find if I have nothing to submit, then the carnival themes inspire me to craft something new before the deadlines. Right now I have another blog carnival I would like to submit to and am struggling to meet the deadline. The other great thing about carnivals is they introduce you to some great blogging communities who help each other by introducing their readers to other bloggers.
